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πŸš€ Β· πŸ’€ Add duration to Snooze

β €πŸ”– Description πŸ’‘ A short and descriptive introduction of the problem we are going to solve. Whenever a task is snoozed it will not be taken into consideration for Skuddy scheduling. Currently the default is 1 day, without the option to edit this. We want to allow the user to edit this duration. β €πŸ—£ User Story πŸ’‘ As a user I want the ability to edit the snooze duration for tasks so that I can customize how long tasks remain snoozed and ensure they are appropriately considered for Skuddy scheduling based on my preferences and needs. β €βš™οΈ Requirements πŸ’‘ Functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should do it. Do X (functional) within 5 seconds (non-functional). Functional: Whenever a user snoozes a task a bottomsheet should popup asking the user for the duration. The bottomsheet should also present the option to activate a dialog where the user can use natural language to define the duration, just like when editing the duration of a task or the global timer. A snooze duration should be added to the task and be considered when handling snooze logic. The default snooze time should remain 1 day.

Coda Veto 9 months ago

πŸš€ Feature Requests

πŸš€ Β· πŸŽ™οΈ Voice Recording in the Popup Inbox

β €πŸ”– Description πŸ’‘ A short and descriptive introduction of the problem we are going to solve. We want allow our users to use voice to record their tasks in the inbox popup view. β €πŸ—£ User Story πŸ’‘ As a user I want to be able to use voice recording to input tasks in the inbox popup view so that I can quickly and conveniently add tasks without typing, improving the user experience and efficiency. β €βš™οΈ Requirements πŸ’‘ Functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should do it. Do X (functional) within 5 seconds (non-functional). Functional: A record button should be present and activate voice recording upon a single tap. Tapping the screen again should stop the recording. An indicator should inform the user of this mechanism. The indicator should show only when voice recording is active. The voice recording should be translated to text inserted into the task field. The user should still manually press save to save the task.

Coda Veto 9 months ago

πŸš€ Feature Requests

πŸš€ Β· ⏳ Durations and time scheduling

β €πŸ”– Description πŸ’‘ A short and descriptive introduction of the problem we are going to solve. We want to be able to add duration to tasks so that the Skuddy planning tool can use them to plan your day more accurately. β €πŸ—£ User Story πŸ’‘ As a user I want to be able to add duration to tasks so that the Skuddy planning tool can use them to plan my day more accurately, considering the time needed for each task. β €βš™οΈ Requirements πŸ’‘ Functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should do it. Do X (functional) within 5 seconds (non-functional). Functional: Duration should be added to the task object as duration in minutes. Todo’s should show the default duration in their main view. Tasks should show the duration as an indicator when their duration differs from the default todo duration. The default duration for each todo should be editable in settings Each todo should have an editable default duration of settings, overruling the settings when changed Each task should have an editable default duration of todo, overruling the todo when changed Skuddy should take into consideration the duration of tasks when creating a schedule and show the start and end time of each task.

Coda Veto 9 months ago

πŸš€ Feature Requests

πŸš€ Β· πŸ—£οΈ Natural language processing

β €πŸ”– Description πŸ’‘ A short and descriptive introduction of the problem we are going to solve. We want to be able to use english language while typing a task to update the following settings: Deadline Duration Priority Frequency β €πŸ—£ User Story As a user I want to be able to use English language while typing a task to update settings such as Deadline, Duration, Priority, and Frequency so that I can easily and intuitively specify these settings for tasks using familiar language. β €βš™οΈ Requirements πŸ’‘ Functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should do it. Do X (functional) within 5 seconds (non-functional). Functional: Keywords should be parsed after pressing space Deadline keywords should cover: by/before weekday by/before end of month by/before end of week by/before today by/before date Duration keywords should cover: 1m 1 min/mins 1h 1.5h 1,5h 1.5 hour/hours 1 hour/hours 15 min/mins 1h30m 1h 30m Priority keywords should cover: /high /ultrahigh /uh /low /ultralow /ul Frequency keywords should cover: 1 per day 1 per week 1 per month 1 per year

Coda Veto 9 months ago

πŸš€ Feature Requests